COVID-19: Chinese Virus, Governments Dictatorship and Hospitals Corruption

 The Chinese Virus, Covid-19 — THE GREATEST HOAX!

For several months, governments and hospital owners, supported by local and international fake media, have been passing deaths WITH Covid OFF as if they were deaths OF Covid, fraudulently attributing death of anyone who dies without corona, whether it is a stroke, heart failure, or any other health-related issue to the Chinese virus – COVID-19.

Governments as well as health care centers have respectively their own agenda and objectives.

The first sow fear in people minds to hijack their private and public freedoms and dictate to them their arbitrary and unjust authoritarian will just like dictatorial and communist governments.

The second, health care centers, has one objective as always: “MONEY”, illegal enrichment by falsifying death certificates.

Make no mistake, people catch the virus and some may die of corona BUT coranavirus-related death toll and cases around the world are extremely exaggerated.

About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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