To Track Down, What Does It Mean?

To Track Down, What Does It Mean?

What Does It Mean To “Track Down”?

track down something refers to the activity of trying to find, locate and recover something that is lost. It is a term frequently used in criminology to describe the process of searching for someone or something that is elusive or unknown. It can encompass a wide range of activities, including attempting to locate a missing person, investigating a crime or law enforcement, trying to locate a witness, looking up a person’s background, or tracing the origin of an object.


  1. hunt down.
  2. trace.
  3. seek out.
  4. follow.
  5. pursue.
  6. look for.
  7. uncover.

Track Down in Phrases and Sentences

  1. I need to track down the source of the leak.
  2. The police are tracking down the perpetrator of the crime.
  3. We must follow every lead to track down the suspect.
  4. I don’t know where that old story came from, I’ve never been able to track it down. [Collins Dictionary]
  5. I’ll try to track down his last known address. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]

Tracking down something can be a challenging and tedious process, but it can provide valuable information or clues that can help solve a problem or mystery. It is an important tool for law enforcement organizations, as well as a useful activity for anyone who needs to locate something or someone.


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About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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