Temperature Rise, The Unforeseen Consequences!

Global Warming: The Unforeseen Consequences!

Global warming: The Unforeseen Consequences of 5° Temperature Rise on the planet Earth.

The Earth’s average surface temperature has already begun to significantly increase due to human activities like burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and industrialization. If the global temperature rises by as little as 5°, this could have catastrophic effects on the environment, particularly on the planet’s life and ecosystems.

In the last 100 years alone, the Earth’s surface temperature has already risen by 1.5°. If the global temperature rises by 5°, the resulting environment would be unlike anything previously seen by humankind. There would be wide-ranging consequences that would reverberate throughout the environment.

Proof of Global Warming is Abundant

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), average global temperatures have risen by 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, and patterns of rain and snowfall are shifting, all of which can be attributed to global climate change.

Another strong indicator of climate change is droughts, floods and other extreme weather incidents on a global scale. Warming ocean waters have caused more frequent and intense hurricanes, floods and heat waves in areas where they previously didn’t occur. Sadly, as global temperatures continue to rise, weather-related natural disasters are only expected to get worse in the future.

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Catastrophic Consequences

  1. Water levels would rise drastically, leading to severe coastal flooding and destruction of aquatic habitats.
  2. This also has implications for crop growing and limited food availability.
  3. Less precipitation combined with hotter temperatures would lead to extreme drought conditions in many areas.
  4. Warmer temperatures cause glaciers, snow and ice to melt, leading to dramatic changes in climate and watersheds.
  5. This can also lead to increased frequency and strength of hurricanes and typhoons, as well as other natural disasters.
  6. Endangered species would become much more threatened, as higher temperatures could cause them to become extinct.
  7. Rising temperatures also mean more heat waves, leading to extreme heat and health problems for humans.


In short, a 5° temperature rise on Earth could have far-reaching, catastrophic impacts on the environment and all of its inhabitants. Therefore, it is essential that we take proactive steps to reduce our impact on the environment and limit the damage that is being done to the planet.


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About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at https://t.me/mnstories

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