Trapped Under Earthquake-collapsed buildings?

Survival Guide: Trapped Under Earthquake-collapsed buildings?

Survival Guide: Trapped under Earthquake-collapsed buildings?

What Are the Factors that Help People Trapped Under Earthquake-Collapsed Building Survive for Weeks?

Rescuers are in a race against time to save individuals trapped under an earthquake-collapsed building. The devastating earthquake has left many people in a precarious situation, with the threat of further damage from aftershocks making the situation even more critical. Rescuers are scrambling to free anyone who may still be alive and trapped in the rubble, using all available means — from heavy machinery to bare hands — to get them out safely.

Survival Guide for People Trapped Under Earthquake-collapsed buildings! How Can Trapped People Survive for weeks?

1. Stay Calm:
Being panicked will only make you more exhausted, so try to stay calm while you wait to be rescued.

2. Breathe:
Unless there is debris or debris-filled air blocking your mouth or nose, keep breathing.

3. Listen for Help:
Listen for any volunteers or rescue personnel that are nearby.

4. Preserve Heat:
Try to insulate yourself from elements such as air and cold ground. Wrap yourself up in a blanket if you have one.

5. Make Noise:
Tap on items around you to make noise and alert rescuers to your presence.

6. Find Water:
If there is a running water source nearby, collect it in containers. If there isn’t, try your best to find moisture in whatever food and drink that you have with you.

7. Find Nutrition:
If you have access to supplies, eat whatever you can. If you’re running out of food, ration yourself.

8. Utilize Items:
If you can, collect supplies such as metal rods and boards that you can use to potentially create something useful with.

9. Continue to Hope:
Most importantly, continue to hold on to hope that you will be rescued soon and stay positive.


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About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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