Robert Malone: mRNA Technology, Vaccine Scientist, Vaxx skeptic

Robert Malone: mRNA Technology, Vaccine Scientist, Vaxx skeptic

Robert Malone: mRNA Technology, Vaccine Scientist, Vaxx skeptic

Robert Malone Breaks Down What’s Wrong with the COVID Vaccine and What to Do Once Taken.

Certainly, the coronavirus pandemic has left the world in a state of chaos, and in fact it’s no secret that the importance of a vaccine has reached a fever pitch. But when it comes to the vaccine that’s been developed to fight the virus, Dr. Malone is sounding the alarm.

Important to realize that Robert Malone, a prominent infectious disease specialist, has been warning people about the dangers of the COVID vaccine. While the vaccine has the potential to help the world move past the pandemic, Dr. Malone’s research has revealed that it doesn’t always live up to its promise.

The Downside of the Covid Vaccine.

According to Dr. Malone, the biggest downside of the COVID vaccine is that it can’t provide total immunity. Infectious disease specialists discovered that the vaccine is only effective in about 50-60% of cases, meaning that those who already got infected with the virus can still get infected. Additionally, the vaccine can be ineffective in people who have certain medical conditions or a weakened immune system.

What are big media saying about Dr. Robert Malone regarding the mRNA technology and covid-19 vaccine?

In reality, major news outlets have been praising Dr. Robert Malone for his role in the development of the Covid-19 vaccine using mRNA technology. Firstly, Robert Malone was part of the team that developed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which uses mRNA technology to store the genetic code of the virus in the vaccine. Also, reports have noted the significance of Dr. Malone’s work in utilizing mRNA technology, which is seen as a major breakthrough in the development of a successful vaccine. [/box]

Another issue with the vaccine is that it can trigger side effects. While these side effects are typically minor and short-lived, in some cases they can be severe and even lead to hospitalization. As such, Dr. Malone advises people to speak to their healthcare provider before they take the vaccine and to be especially mindful of any health issues that may increase their risk of serious side effects.

Robert Malone Recommends Safety Protocol.

Finally, Dr. Malone warns people that once they’ve taken the COVID vaccine, it’s still important to follow safety protocols like wearing a mask and social distancing. Even though the vaccine can provide some protection from the virus, it’s not a guarantee of total immunity, and it’s essential to continue taking precautions to avoid spreading the virus.


In conclusion, the development of the COVID vaccine has been a crucial milestone in the fight against the virus. However, Dr. Malone’s research has revealed that there are some downsides to the vaccine that everyone needs to be aware of. The most important thing is to speak with a healthcare provider and make sure to take all the necessary precautions both before and after the administration of the vaccine.

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About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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