Preparedness Safety Measures Earthquake

Preparedness, Safety Measures in Case of an Earthquake!

Preparedness in Case of an Earthquake.

Preparedness, Safety Measures, Earthquake!

Preparing yourself and your family to be secure and stable in the event of a natural disaster, riot or war is paramount. In such a situation, having a handbag or carry-on, filled with the necessary credentials and supplies, could prove to be an invaluable resource in such a tumultuous time.

Having the proper documentation when traveling can be the difference maker if a family has to evacuate. Items such as important identification, including driver’s licenses, passports, and birth certificates, should be placed in a bag that is easy to transport. Having physical copies of immunization records, medical history and insurance policies, should also be considered, as these documents can prove to be helpful if medical attention is needed during an evacuation. Keeping these items in a fireproof and waterproof bag can help ensure that these documents do not get destroyed or lost.

Report on Earthquakes: Predictions and Causes
Report on Earthquakes: Causes and Predictions
Earthquakes are natural disasters that occur when the Earth’s tectonic plates shift which causes the earthquakes.

Essential Supplies:
In addition to essential documents, a carry-on should also be equipped with other supplies that may be needed during an emergency. This could include items such as non-perishable food, purified drinking water, a battery powered radio, a first aid kit, matches and a flashlight. This will allow you and your family to maintain a certain level of comfort if and when in transit. Personal items such as books, toys and clothing should also be included, as this can help ease any distress that could be seen during such a trying and uncertain situation.

Following these guidelines when making a portable bag can be beneficial for someone and their family in the event of an unexpected emergency. Having the right credentials and supplies on-hand can provide security and ease during a disastrous time.

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What Safety Measures Should You Take in Case of and During an Earthquake?

Preparedness, Safety Measures, Earthquake!

1. Drop to the ground, take cover, and hold on.
2. Move away from windows, shelves, tall furniture, hanging objects, and heavy appliances that could fall over.
3. If you are in a high-rise building, stay away from the elevators and stairwells.
4. Protect your head and neck with a pillow, blanket, or your hands.
5. Avoid areas near exterior walls, windows, and doors.
6. Listen to radio or television announcements for updated emergency information.
7. If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from power lines, trees, and buildings.
8. Stay away from the coastline if you are in a coastal area.
9. Stay out of damaged buildings.
10. Check yourself and others for injuries and provide first aid if possible.

No matter where you are, it’s always important to know the proper earthquake safety measures! Make sure to know your environment and have an emergency plan just in case.


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About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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