There is a new medical condition called “mask mouth” caused from wearing masks all day. It increases adult acne especially in women and you can break out in hives. There is so much bacteria, yeast, and fungus that lives in the mouth that is expelled from your breath and than trapped around your face. Not to mention the oxygen deficiency due to you breathing in your own carbon dioxide. It can cause inflammation, tooth decay, receding gum lines, and seriously south breath. Even Dentists have said there has been about a 50% increase in people having been impacted by mask mouth and having more cavities. The moisture from your breath creates a dampness that bacteria and fungus THRIVE in.
We don’t like to keep babies in a soiled diaper all day because it gives them a diaper rash. Let’s not do that same thing to our faces.
Our faces are not supposed to be covered all day. The sooner you stop wearing these, the sooner we will get past this insanity. Take off the mask.