Earthquakes: What are they, how are they Measured

Earthquakes: What are they, How are they Measured

Earthquakes: What Are they, How Are they Measured and What is the Earthquake Magnitude Scale?

What Is an Earthquake?

An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift in the Earth’s crust. Earthquakes usually occur as a result of movement along fault lines, as plates press against one another. However, some human activities such as mining, fracking, or underground nuclear testing can also cause tremors. Quakes can unleash tremendously powerful shakes and are a major source of seismic energy release.

How Are Earthquakes Measured?

The intensity of an earthquake is measured using various instruments called seismographs. These devices measure the frequency and magnitude of seismic waves that travel through the Earth when an earthquake occurs. Magnitude is measured in units of energy released, such as joules (J), and is expressed as a number on the Richter or Moment magnitude scales.

In other words, seismologists measure the size of an earthquake on two different scales. They use the Richter Scale to measure the magnitude or strength of a quake, while they use the Mercalli Scale to measure an earthquake’s intensity which is how much damage it is capable of causing.

What Is the Earthquake Magnitude Scale?

Seismologists employ the earthquake magnitude scale to classify earthquakes according to their energy release. Earthquakes with magnitude up to 3.0 on the Richter scale are known as microearthquakes, while quakes with magnitude up to 6.0 are considered weak. Earthquakes with magnitude between 6.0 and 7.0 are considered moderate, while any with a magnitude greater than 7.0 are considered strong. The maximum earthquake magnitude on the Moment magnitude scale is 10.0.


Earthquakes can cause destruction and devastation, but geologists and seismologists are able to predict when, where, and how strong quakes are likely to occur. By understanding the science behind earthquakes and using the earthquake magnitude scale, they can help to prepare people in affected areas and minimize the damage and destruction that can occur.


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About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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