COVID-19: Who Is Truly At Risk From This Coronavirus Virus?

We know, that not everyone is at significant risk from this virus, in fact, most people, the vast majority of people will not have any significant illness even if they do contract the virus. The people who we are most concerned about are those who are over the age of 70 and who also have underlying health problems. what physicians call comorbidities, the underlying diseases that we are specifically concerned about, are diabetes, hypertension, obesity and lung diseases like asthma or emphysema.

Children are at virtually no risk. Only a handful of children throughout the world have had any significant illness from COVID-19 and all of them had serious underlying health issues.

So what’s the real risk of contracting COVID-19 despite what you are led to believe?

COVID-19 has not proven to be as contagious. The recent New England Journal Medicine study showed that it really takes quite a significant face-to-face exposure to someone who is sick from the virus for a matter of minutes and even then transmission is far from certain.

There’s a very low risk of contracting the virus from exposure to hard surfaces. the CDC now admits that continuously disinfecting surfaces is unnecessary because the virus simply doesn’t live for more than a very brief period of time on surfaces.

Lastly there is a very low risk from exposure to children.

It turns out that children who actually have the virus in their noses or mouths Harbor a very small amount of it. They have on average less than 25 percent less than a quarter of the viral load that we find in adults this may be part of the reason that children simply don’t become sick with the virus but it also means that we don’t need to be concerned about being in close contact with them.

From a video transcript by dr. Kelly Victory: a trauma and emergency physician with a specialty in disaster preparedness and response, and the management of mass casualty.

About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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