COVID-19: Social Distancing, Masks and Hand Sanitizers, Are They Effective? [UPDATED]

The CDC — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — reported that 85% of  those who tested positive were wearing masks and 3.9% weren’t!

Is Social Distancing Necessary?

Social distancing isn’t even an established health care concept and certainly not one in the public health. The whole idea of social distancing was based on a theoretical model explored by a high school student in a science fair some years ago looking at how an infectious disease might hypothetically spread as the result of potential exposures amongst kids at school. In other words, it was never scientifically based as a method for responding to a pandemic. What is a fundamental public health method for controlling the spread of infectious diseases is quarantine! In quarantine the sick are isolated, kept indoors away from others and those who are at significant risk. The elderly and those with underlying diseases are protected say by the wearing of masks in public.

Keeping healthy people isolated from one another simply isn’t necessary.

Would Masks and Hand Sanitizers Decrease the Risk of Contracting the Virus?

Would Masks and Hand Sanitizers Decrease the Risk of Contracting the Virus?

The CDC — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — reported that 85% of  those who tested positive were wearing masks and 3.9% weren’t!

Masks are intended for the ill when they will be potentially in contact with others and for those who are caring for them. Multiple medical authorities including the World Health Organization, the CDC, the New England Journal of Medicine have now all acknowledged that there is no scientific justification for normal healthy people to be wearing masks.

In fact prolonged mask wearing actually increases the risk of disease; to the where people tend to touch their faces much more often when they’re wearing a mask. In addition, we end up rebreathing particles that our lungs have exhaled whether it’s pollen dust, virus or bacteria, particles they are trapped in the mask and on the very next inhale we breathe them back. In lastly many people are wearing masks other than surgical or medical masks, and many of them are not porous enough to allow carbon dioxide that we exhale to fully dissipate. So on every inhalation we breathe back in more carbon dioxide. Furthermore and very importantly habitual wearing of masks decreases the body’s natural immune response.

We’re supposed to come into contact regularly with foreign things, bacteria, viruses, all kinds of things and that’s what helps to keep our immune systems on alert working at full capacity. If you limit your exposure to everything by constantly wearing masks or the overuse of hand sanitizers and disaffected your immune system, it won’t be prepped and ready when you need it to mount the appropriate immune response.

From a video transcript by dr. Kelly Victory: a trauma and emergency physician with a specialty in disaster preparedness and response, and the management of mass casualty.

About Michel Noujaim

Michel Noujaim is a fervent advocate of the individual’s freedom and free speech. Tips and stories can be sent on Telegram @MichelNoujaim. Follow him at

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